- Muuyee charges a fee for shipping based on location of delivery address.
- No Cash on Delivery option available
- We don't allow editing of orders or addresses once the order is placed.
- After your payment confirmation, our operations team ensures that your order is shipped as early as possible.
- We will ensure that the product reaches you was early as possible, from the date of purchase.
- In some cases, it may take longer to receive the shipment depending on your location and accessibility.
- Muuyee does deliver products outside India . You can place an order on our website from anywhere in the world, however the delivery charges and custom charges if any to be borne by the customer at actuals.
- Please do NOT pay for any additional charges to courier staff. Your invoice amount is inclusive of all charges.
- No returns or exchange is allowed.
- In case you have received a damaged or a wrong product please notify us via email at hello@muuyee.com within 24 hours from the time of shipment received. We will arrange for a return pick up and replace the items (Subject to availability) or issue a full refund. In case of returns other than a damaged or wrong item shipped, please ship to the return address.